IDEXX Reference Laboratories

IDEXX Complete Blood Count (CBC) testing
Discover more insights into the current condition of your patient
Most reliable and comprehensive haematology diagnostics available from IDEXX - including reticulocyte count on every blood count report.
Flexible options allow you to choose the blood count most appropriate for your patient's needs.
Ordering options
The following profiles can be ordered via VetConnect PLUS or request forms. Further tests can be found through VetConnect PLUS.
Standalone tests:
Code | Profile |
Complete Haematology |
Blood Film Evaluation |
Follow-up Blood Film |
Routine profiles including CBC:
Code | Profile |
General Health Screen |
SP1N |
Basic Screen |
Geriatric Profile |
Routine profiles with IDEXX CBC Select:
Code | Profile |
SP1I |
Basic Profile |
SP2I |
Extended Basic Profile |
Geriatric Interpreted |
Why reticulocyte parameters count
Reticulocytes act as an early warning system that detects a variety of issues earlier
Newly released reticulocytes reflect the current condition of the animal, making them excellent early indicators for conditions such as blood loss or inflammation before development of anemia. Early detection provides the best chance for determining and treating the underlying cause, earlier, for better patient outcomes.
Reticulocyte parametersUp-to-date information on RBC production |
Red blood cellsReflects last few months |
Circulation time |
2–4 days* |
80–120 days* |
Parameters |
Reticulocyte concentration (RETICs)
Availability |
RETIC-HGB currently available
Available in nearly all CBC reports
Up-to-date information on RBC production |
Reflects last few months |
Circulation time:2–4 days* |
80–120 days* |
Parameters:Reticulocyte concentration (RETICs) "Quantity" Determines whether an anemia is regenerative or not and helps identify underlying disease in nonanemic patients
Reticulocyte hemoglobin (RETIC-HGB) "Quality" Measures the quality of developing red blood cells and detects low iron availability
-Mean corpuscular hemoglobin (MCH)
-Mean corpuscular hemoglobin concentration (MCHC)
-Mean corpuscular volume (MCV)
Availability:Only IDEXX automatically
Available in nearly all CBC reports

Results and guidance at your fingertips with VetConnect PLUS
Whether a CBC is run at IDEXX Reference Laboratories or on an IDEXX in-house analyzer, you can review, interpret, and trend CBC results right in VetConnect PLUS . Access differentials instantly, helping you interpret and act on any results that are abnormal for your patient.
Choose the right CBC for your patient
- Flagged and/or qualified results
- Anemia
- High/low WBC count
- Low platelets
- SNAP 4Dx Plus Test positive
- Heartworm positive
- FeLV or FIV positive
- Automated:
IDEXX inVue Dx - Manual blood film
- Preanesthetic blood work on clinically healthy animals
- Anemia
- High/low WBC count
- Unexpected findings on chemistry or serology
- FeLV or FIV positive
- Vector borne disease positive
- Heartworm positive
- SNAP 4Dx Plus Test positive
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Pathology specialists
Your team of experts is just a call away, with pathologists always available for consultation. Meet our specialists .
Request an IDEXX Reference Laboratories account.
A representative will help you every step of the way.
*If automated results fall outside of established guidelines and the specimen is considered significantly abnormal, a blood film evaluation by a technician is performed.
†For canine and feline patients, reticulocyte concentration (RETICs) and reticulocyte hemoglobin (RETIC-HGB) parameters are included on all CBC reports provided by IDEXX Reference Laboratories and the ProCyte Dx Hematology Analyzer.