
IDEXX SDMA Resource Centre

Ordering is fast and easy.

Black and white close-up of labrador retriever licking nose.

Order IDEXX SDMA testing

Order two ways:

In-house testing with the Catalyst SDMA Test

Include SDMA with every chemistry profile for a complete view of your patients' kidney health.

Chem 11 Profile

(Chem 10 CLIP, SDMA)

Part number 99-0010259

Use as part of a foundational care visit to establish a baseline or for real-time young pet and pre-anaesthetic screening.


Order Chem 11 Profile

Chem 16 Profile

(Chem 15 CLIP, SDMA)

Part number 99-0010258

Comprehensive blood chemistry profile for feline testing (wellness, sick, and emergency); also use this profile for adult and geriatric pre-anaesthetic screening.

Order Chem 16 Profile

Chem 18 Profile

(Chem 17 CLIP, SDMA)

Part number 99-0010257

Comprehensive blood chemistry profile for canine testing (wellness, sick, and emergency); also use this profile for adult and geriatric pre-anaesthetic screening.

Order Chem 18 Profile

Man embracing golden retriever.

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SDMA testing from IDEXX Reference Laboratories


IDEXX Reference Laboratories includes the IDEXX SDMA Test in all routine chemistry panels. There’s no additional cost, and the turnaround time is the same.

  • IDEXX SDMA Test included in all routine chemistry panels
  • IDEXX FGF-23 Test is the latest addition to the suite of kidney diagnostics offered at IDEXX Reference Laboratories. FGF-23 is a new method for managing and monitoring phosphorous overload in chronic kidney disease.


Interested in running SDMA in-house or at IDEXX Reference Laboratories?

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Go deeper with SDMA
  • SDMA can tell you a lot about kidney health—far beyond screening for chronic kidney disease (CKD).
  • Including SDMA as part of a routine kidney health evaluation can lead to early detection of decline in kidney function
  • Early detection of change in kidney function is important for all patients—whether sick, well, young, or geriatric.

Note: SDMA is symmetric dimethylarginine.